The ECCP would like to present you with an opportunity offered by the Covenant of Companies for Climate and Energy – a new project set up by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy.
The Covenant of Companies’ mission is to help companies – and organisations who support them, such as your own – to transition their energy supplies away from fossil fuels and reduce their bills. In the current political context of squeezed supplies and spiral ling costs of fossil fuel energy, this mission becomes even more urgent.
It offers companies a suite of advisory services to help prepare them for a net zero future. Our guidance aids them to define and then implement emissions reduction goals that are manageable, attainable and aligned with their level of ambition.
As part of these advisory services, it is running tailored technical assistance for companies. This is a hands-on assistance programme that starts with agreeing the scope of support that participants need and comprises energy audit assistance, assessing technologies appropriate to their needs, investment support – including connecting participants to funding and financing mechanisms – and identification of the measures needed to reach their targets, to name but a few. And it is completely free of charge.
The Covenant has just launched its first pilot of the Technical Assistance programme, and is looking for up to 50 participants from Croatia, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland to help them shape their offer.
As a cluster organisation in Poland, companies or SMEs who are part of your cluster organisation would be most welcome to apply.
If you have any companies in your network who would be eager to learn what specific actions they can take to reduce their carbon footprint and their energy bills, please direct them to us!
The Covenant is accepting applications until 30 September 2022. |
Applications can be done online via this simple web form: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/CCCE-application |
Apply to the Call for Technical Assistance |
źródło: European Cluster Collaboration Platform |